Long Covid - Take part in a significant study

Long COVID – words we had not come across just over a year ago, but is now a very real illness for many people.

Some of the symptoms experienced by Long COVID sufferers include; dizziness, ‘brain fog’, exhaustion, breathing difficulties, tightness of the chest, and loss of taste and smell, to name but a few. These symptoms can, at times, become so severe that normal daily activities and returning to work become impossible. A study has tracked the prevalence of 205 symptoms in 10 organ systems that are associated with Long COVID. You can read the detailed study here; ‘Characterising Long COVID in an International Cohort: 7 Months of Symptoms and Their Impact’

Bowen Therapist Dianne Bradshaw began working with Long COVID sufferers in 2020. During this time she made some encouraging observations and as a result of these findings the Long COVID Bowen Study was launched. Over 70 Bowen therapists are taking part nationwide and I was selected to join the Team. Since joining, this Study has spread across the globe! If you would like to participate in this study please keep reading.

Long COVID Bowen Study

The study is taking place to examine whether the Bowen Technique, a form of manual therapy, can assist in the recovery of the many thousands of people suffering with Long COVID. We are looking for more participants.

The aim of the study is to understand whether the Bowen Technique might contribute towards the recovery of Long COVID sufferers. This is being assessed by a process of studying the impact of 6 consecutive Bowen treatments over a six week period.

The study is open to anyone experiencing COVID symptoms lasting six months or more, including those who were not tested for COVID at the time they first fell ill. All information will be gathered and processed in the strictest confidence. If you meet the above criteria and are interested in taking part in the study, please email covidstudy@thebowentechnique.com. Dianne Bradshaw will get back to you to discuss the criteria for participation and if you qualify, will explain what happens next.

Long COVID symptoms

If you have been suffering with Long COVID (but not for 6 months or more and therefore will not qualify to participate in the Long COVD study above), but still have remaining Long COVID symptoms, give me a call or send me a message. We can have a chat about your presenting symptoms and see if a few Bowen treatments may help get you back to your usual self.