Treatment & pricing

  • A treatment lasts approximately 60 minutes.
  • Each treatment costs £60.
  • £50 per treatment if bought in blocks of 3 and prepaid (£150).
  • For children under 12 years, treatments are about 30 minutes and cost £30 each.

I will send you a Health and Wellbeing Questionnaire to complete and return before your first appointment, which must include a list of your current medications.

A course of 3 treatments over a period of 3-4 weeks is recommended.

A cancellation period of at least 24 hours is appreciated.

If you have private medical insurance please call them, as this treatment is increasingly covered by Insurers.

Picture of treatment room

We recommend that no other bodywork is carried out during your treatment programme. This is to ensure the body is not overloaded with information or given differing theraputic information to deal with at the same time, which may reduce the overall success of your treatment.

Initially, it is recommended that a course of 3 treatments are booked 5 to 10 days apart. Your treatment plan is then reviewed during your third session. Some people start to feel an immediate change and short term (acute) injury is often resolved in 3 - 4 treatments. Long standing (chronic) conditions may require more sessions, or ongoing treatment. Every "body" is however unique.

Before your first session you will need to complete a Health and Wellness form, which will be emailed to you in advance. During your first session a detailed description of any presenting conditions that may need treating will be discussed. Please bring a full list of medications that you are currently taking. The Bowen Technique is not a substitute for medical advice and you should not stop any presecribed medication unless advised by your GP.

Many people have follow up treatments every 6 weeks to 3 months for preventative and maintenance measures. Regular Bowen top-ups can help strengthen and balance the body, making it more able to deal with their environmental factors.

Treatment is carried out either directly on skin or through light clothing, so please wear loose fitting clothes. You will be covered with towels during the treatment and extra blankets should you be cold.

We do not diagnose our clients. A Bowen treatment will cover the whole body, thus allowing it to make the necessary changes to kick start the repair process and create healing.

People often report feelings of heat or tingling in specific areas and go into a state of deep relaxation or sleep.

After the therapist has done their moves, they leave the room for 2-5 minutes, before returning to do more. This allows Bowen to ask the body to recognise what has just happened and to make a decision as to whether the body needs to do something or to let go of it, without being on guard or distracted by someone elses presence.

When treating anyone under 16, the parent or guardian will always remain in the room.

Reactions to treatments are not uncommon, and actually demonstrate that the body is responding.These are all positive signs that the healing process is working and these responses usually clear within a few days. It is vital that a client does not cease treatment in response to a strong reaction. Reactions can include thirst, tiredness, hot or cold flushes, water retention, headaches, flu-like symptoms, increased dream activity, mood changes, emotional release, increase in original symptoms or re-surfacing of old injuries.

The healing process continues long after your session has finished, which is why undergoing other treatments at the same time as Bowen Therapy is not recommended.

Aftercare advice emphasises the importance of the 3 W's :

  • Walking
  • Moving is important to help the lymphatic system and to keep "flow" within the body.

  • Water
  • Drinking water is important as Bowen Therapy releases toxins during the Treatment and the body needs hydration to help eliminate them.

  • Week
  • Come back for your next treatment within 5 to 10 days.